Welcome to Flake8-AAA’s documentation

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A linter for Python tests.

  • Pytest and unittest styles supported.
  • Tests are linted against the Arrange Act Assert pattern.
  • Provides a Flake8 interface to automatically lint test files as part of your Flake8 run.
  • Provides a command line interface for custom (non-Flake8) usage and debugging.


Install with pip:

$ pip install flake8-aaa

Integration with Flake8

Given that you already have Flake8 installed in the same environment, check that Flake8-AAA was installed correctly by asking flake8 for its version signature:

$ flake8 --version
3.6.0 (aaa: 0.4.0, mccabe: 0.6.1, pycodestyle: 2.4.0, pyflakes: 2.0.0) CPython 3.6.7 on Linux

The (aaa: 0.4.0, ... part of that output tells you flake8 found this plugin. Now you can run flake8 as usual against your project and Flake8-AAA will lint your tests via its plugin:

$ flake8