Test discovery

The flake8-aaa plugin is triggered for files that look to it like test modules - anything that does not look like a test module is skipped.

The following rules are applied by flake8-aaa when discovering tests:

  • The module’s filename must start with “test_” and have been collected for linting by Flake8.
  • Every function in the module that has a name that starts with “test” is checked.
  • Test functions can be class methods.
  • Test functions that contain only comments, docstrings or pass are skipped.

These rules are aimed to mirror pytest’s default collection strategy as closely as possible.

If you find that flake8-aaa is giving false positives (you have checks that you expected to fail, but they did not), then you should check that the plugin did not ignore or skip those tests which you expected to fail.


flake8-aaa does not check doctests.